
🚀 xcollection v2021.12.23 🚀#

(full changelog)

Enhancements made#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@andersy005 | @pre-commit-ci

🚀 xcollection v2021.12.01 🚀#

(full changelog)

Enhancements made#

  • Add open_collection() and add to_zarr() to Collection #26 (@mgrover1)

Documentation improvements#

Other merged PRs#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@andersy005 | @jukent | @mgrover1 | @pre-commit-ci

🚀 xcollection v2021.11.24 🚀#

(full changelog)

Enhancements made#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Other merged PRs#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@andersy005 | @dcherian | @dependabot | @jukent | @kmpaul | @matt-long | @pre-commit-ci